Fall 2005 Annual Meeting Minutes—Sunday, September 11, 2005
Anchorage Hilton – Alaska Room
Welcome and Introductions
Doug Stang called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM. A quorum (17 members) was present.
News from AFS
Jan Lubeck gave the annual report on the Hutton program. Danielle Hawkins is the new program assistant. Last year, the program had 300 applicants; 63 were funded. The program is starting to reach diversity goals. This was the first time a survey was done on participants. Danielle will produce a CD with results by mid-October. The consistent funding from federal agencies has been crucial. Jan and AFS encourage all agencies to participate in the Hutton program with financial support and as mentors for the Hutton participants.
Review / Approval of Minutes from May 21-22, 2005 AFS-FAS meeting in Buffalo, NY
Motion to approve the minutes was made (Dale Burkett) and seconded (Chris Goddard). Motion was approved without objection.
Review of Treasurers Report
The treasurer’s report prepared by Ron Southwick was reviewed (see attachment). Many of the expenses for the Spring ’05 meeting in Buffalo were covered by NY. Balance as of 8/31/05 was $5,410.71.
Highlights from AFS Governing Board
Doug gave the report –
- Financial health of Society is good. Operating budget is approximately $2.8 million. Reserve is at $2.2 million; approaching the goal of having a reserve equal to the 5-year running average of annual operating budgets.
- Dues remain flat. A “Young Professional” membership at half price will be offered. Student membership will be $19 and include Infobase.
- Most journals back to 1872 have been scanned into Infobase. Missing some old PFC’s.
Governing Board Retreat
- Both Doug and Gary Saul attended.
- Membership and career development surveys were conducted. Results will be in an upcoming Fisheries article. Around 86% of members are satisfied with AFS and what AFS offers.
- New initiatives are professional development, information transfer, and setting future priorities.
- The potential for a separate coastal/marine journal was discussed.
- Chris Kohler will put a committee together on future directions for the AFS.
- A “new” Mexico Chapter was created and assigned to the Western Division.
AFS – FAS Member Survey
In response to the desire to increase FAS membership above 200 that would give the FAS a vote on the Governing Board and to broaden geographical representation in the FAS, Mike Staggs did a survey of all current, past and potential members to solicit their views on the FAS and to generate ideas to increase participation in the Section. Mike presented the results (see attachment).
A discussion followed on what’s next and how best to use the survey information. Mike suggested that the survey information be combined with individual contacts and that used to develop some of the key action points. Development of an increased web site presence was mentioned. Some other suggestions were soliciting new members from younger and/or lower level administrators, continuing education at meetings, and a “better” meeting agenda.
Dale Burkett noted involvement was highest during projects such as Snowbird I and II or the cormorant issue in the South.
Paul Pajak suggested gleaning a small number (5?) of actions items from the survey and work on those. Also, be proactive in informing others about the section.
Doug noted most Sections have lost members recently.
Someone noted that posting newsletters on web sites and eliminated the need for people to pay dues to a Section to get the newsletter.
Andy Loftus asked about information on dues renewal and web site. (Note: Information on the FAS is present on both.)
Dave Terre suggested recruiting new members based on issues or get current “Chiefs” to recruit “future” chiefs.
Dale Burkett suggested FAS facilitate the use of mentors and develop a suggested list of training for administrators.
Mike noted travel funding and restrictions have always been an issue.
Paul Pajak suggested interjecting FAS members into training programs at other agencies.
Stuart Shipman suggesting developing a list of persons who should join and try to reach these people.
Don Gabelhouse suggested a name change. There is the perception that the FAS is the “Fish Chief’s Club” and that limits its interest among other administrators. A new name could broaden appeal. Fisheries “Leadership” section was suggested.
Steve Eder noted that a perspective from the other states may help us reach younger and new members.
At the spring meeting in Buffalo, some members volunteered to contact other states to encourage membership and participation. Some of these contacts still need to be made. Mike will integrate any of this information into his results.
North American Agenda for Aquatic Resources
A motion concerning FAS involvement in development and implementation of NAAAR was left pending at the Spring meeting due to lack of a quorum. Dale Burkett handed out the motion. Mike Staggs asked about the relationship of the NAAAR and the Fish Habitat Initiative. If we (FAS) don’t take the lead on the NAAAR, what will happen? Dale thinks it would go away. This may be a project that will create more interest in the FAS. Tim Hess noted the Highway bill will spike SFR funds in ‘07 which could help fund or move forward the NAAAR.
Motion to approve the resolution was made (Mike) and, seconded (Don Gabelhouse).
There was additional discussion on the motion focusing on the development of the resolution and numbered items. Paul Pajak noted there needs to be flexibility in the process and sustainability is paramount. Dale noted the document was edited based on previous discussions, and his vision was to use subcommittees created under the NAAAR to flesh out the agenda for the IAFWA. Mike Staggs asked about using this as a framework to address working relationship with the IAFWA and to integrate fish chiefs and administrators rather the Executive Director-level positions. For clarification, Dale noted the motion and vote was just on the first paragraph of the document. Tim Hess suggested the NAAAR may benefit from a more regional approach. Stuart Shipman said the North Central Division was going to address this issue. Who would appoint chair for the subcommittees or who would volunteer for the opportunity? Gary Saul? Steve Eder noted the Fish Habitat Initiative has a regional focus, but was not sure how they were set or will be set. A suggestion was made to follow AFS Divisions, which would be desirable.
Motion was approved without objection. (see attachment)
2005 Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Awards
Gary Saul announced the following award recipients:
- Sport Fish Development and ManagementVirginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: Restoration and Enhancement of the Laurel Lake Bed Fishery
- Research and SurveysLake Michigan Technical Committee, Salmonid Working Group: Multi-Agency Collaboration to Evaluate Chinook Salmon Management
- Aquatic EducationFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission: Kids’ Fishing Clinics
- Honorable Mention – Research and SurveysLake Michigan Technical Committee, Yellow Perch Task Group: Multi-agency Research Initiative to Identify Likely Causes for Yellow Perch Recruitment Failure in Lake Michigan
FAS / FMS Exchange Program (with United Kingdom Institute of Fisheries Management)
Jim Gregory of the United Kingdom Institute of Fisheries Management (www.ifm.org.uk) was in attendance. He thanked the AFS for this opportunity. He noted his society has around 1,000 members and around 10-20% attend the meeting. Gary Saul will attend their meeting and give a presentation.
AFS Salary Survey
Doug Stang reported that 32 states have responded with two more promised. He needs to get more participation to get results accepted for publication in Fisheries.
Updating the criteria for Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Awards program
No action due to lack of time.
President’s Closing Remarks
Doug thanked everyone for the opportunity and for their participation. He invited everyone to Lake Placid for the 2007 Annual Meeting.
Installation of New Officers
Gary Saul was installed as President. Don Gabelhouse is the new president-elect. Ken Kurzawski became the new secretary/treasurer.
New Business
Gary presented Doug with a Past-President’s plaque and thanked him for his outstanding leadership over the last two years. He also presented him with the opportunity to go on free guided fishing trip on world-famous Lake Fork Reservoir in Texas. A plaque of appreciation will also be presented to Ron Southwick, the previous Secretary/Treasurer.
Urban Fishing Symposium
Tom Lang of the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff made a presentation and request for funding for a symposium on urban fishing being developed for the 2007 AFS Annual in San Francisco.
Motion to provide $500 funding was made by Doug Stang and seconded by Dirk Miller. Motion was approved without objection.
2006 FAS Spring Meeting
The Spring Meeting will be held March 22-25, 2006 in conjunction with the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Details will follow.
AFS News Continued
Executive Director Gus Rassam quickly noted the Society is in excellent shape. President Barb Knuth thanked the Section for its support and for the resolution on the NAAAR. She will pass that information on to incoming president, Chris Kohler.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:05 PM.
Tagged Under: 2005, AFS, Alaska, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, aquatic resources, Fisheries Administration Section, members, minutes