Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources Receives 2014 SFR Award for Best Research Project

Monthly Archives: April 2014

Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources Receives 2014 SFR Award for Best Research Project

President-elect Ken Kurzawski presents SFR award.  L to R: Preston Cole – DNR board chair, President-elect Kurzawski, Matt Diebel – Research scientist, John Lyons – Lead research scientist, and Matt Mitro – Research scientist. Development and Evaluation of Watershed Models for Predicting Stream Fishery Potential Download the nomination documentation WI DNR Watershed Fishery Models Read More

Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. Receives 2014 SFR Award for Best Management Project

Past President Doug Nygren presents SFR award.  L to R: , Dan Hughes –  TPW Commission chair, Dakus Geeslin – TPWD Water Resources, Past President Nygren,  Tiffany Morgan – Brazos River Authority, John Tibbs – TPWD Inland Fisheries, Dan Bennett- TPWD Inland Fisheries, John Botros – TPWD Inland Fisheries, and Carter Smith – TPWD Executive Director. Collaboration to maintain quality fisheries in... Read More